🌟 Hello, Kindergarten Parent! ðŸŒŸ


I want you to know that whatever you're feeling right now – whether it's excitement doing a happy dance or those wild butterflies in your stomach – it's all perfectly normal.


We've been down this road too – the epic mix of hope and that "did I pack everything?" uncertainty as our pint-sized explorers gear up for their grand debut in the world of learning.


Remember, your emotions are basically a rollercoaster ride with a side of sweet nostalgia. Fasten your seatbelt and hold onto your enthusiasm – we're in for a memorable ride together!



📂 Access Important Documents: If you ever find yourself searching for those handouts that seem to magically disappear, fear not. You can find them right here:


🔗 Lincoln A-Z 2023

🔗 Access Hand Outs

🔗 Access Meet The Staff


You've Got a Caring Crew Behind You: Just so you know, your kiddo is in the warmest of hands. Lincoln isn't just a building with books; it's a whole village where we gather, share stories, and watch our little saplings grow.


Questions, Concerns, or Want To Get Involved? We're All Ears:If you've got more queries than a toddler asking "why," don't worry! Reach out to us anytime at info@ptolincoln.org. We're here to sprinkle some magic dust on your transition and make it as smooth as a sun-butter sandwich (because we're nut-free, remember?)


Calling All Energized Parents: Psst, if you've got an itch for involvement, we've got opportunities! Whether you're a crafting connoisseur or a playdate planner extraordinaire, there's a spot for you. Just drop us a line at info@ptolincoln.org, and let's cook up something amazing together.


Here's to an Awesome Adventure Ahead! Buckle up for the ride, it's going to be a thrilling journey, filled with giggles, growth, and a dash of glue-covered artwork.